The Integration of Culture, Travel and Business Activates the New Vitality of Consumption
                updated: 2024-10-09 ??views: ?? ??font-size:【big middle small

                During the National Day holiday, Yancheng’s cultural tourism market was booming, showing rich and diverse tourism resources, which reflected the unique charm of the integration of culture, tourism and business, innovative experience and human landscape.

                In Dafeng Holland Flower Sea, 3 million lilies with more than 180 varieties bloom beautifully, and special performances such as float parade, lion dance, dance flash, bouncing dragon, time concert and “Meet the Flower Sea” stage variety show interweave laughter and patriotic enthusiasm into a moving picture; in Yandu Dazong Lake, enjoy the autumn scenery and taste the fresh lake foods, stroll through ancient alley of a water city, and take a long and relaxing holiday by rowing boat. In Dongtai Xixi Fairy Love Scenic Area, the 2024 National Day series of activities will create a romantic journey for citizens and tourists.

                In the past few days, after the first exhibition of “Digital Jiangsu Charm at Home" around the province landed in Yandu Museum, it attracted a large number of citizens and tourists to visit; I heard that the top cultural relics of Nanjing Museum, Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum and Suzhou Museum go directly to Yancheng. The 3rd National Chess Inter-school League (Yancheng Station) in 2024, sponsored by the Chess Management Center of the State Sports General Administration and the Chinese Chess Association, will start in Yancheng on October 5th.

                It is worth mentioning that while Yancheng Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism Bureau launched 168 activities in 5 categories in the autumn cultural tourism season of “Wetlands are Red”, it also introduced a series of policies and measures to serve the people, further stimulating consumption potential.

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